Performance Management

Top 7 Leapsome Alternatives for OKRs & Performance Reviews 2024

In the realm of performance management and OKR tracking, Leapsome has emerged as a prominent player. However, organizations seeking efficient ways to streamline their OKR management in 2024 have started exploring alternative solutions. These Leapsome alternatives offer a range of features to help set, align, track, and analyze objectives and key results. In this article, we will delve into the top 7 Leapsome alternatives that can revolutionize performance management and drive business success.

Understanding Leapsome: A Competitor in Performance Management

Before we explore the Leapsome competitors, let’s take a closer look at Leapsome itself. Leapsome is an agile performance management platform designed to help organizations align, develop, and engage their employees. With goal setting, continuous feedback, performance reviews, and employee engagement surveys, Leapsome empowers managers and HR professionals to improve employee performance and drive business success. However, as the market evolves, it is essential to consider other options that better suit your organization’s needs.

What is Leapsome

Leapsome is a people enablement platform designed to drive employee engagement, performance, and development. The platform offers a range of tools for managing performance, including an OKR management tool, performance review management, and competency frameworks. With Leapsome, organizations can align individual and team objectives with company goals, monitor progress over time, and provide continuous feedback to foster growth and skill development.

Key features of Leapsome include:

  • Performance Management: Set and track OKRs, conduct performance reviews, and utilize competency frameworks to monitor progress and improve performance.
  • Employee Engagement: Measure and improve engagement through pulse surveys, feedback collection, and recognition programs.
  • Learning and Development: Create personalized development plans, offer training resources, and track learning progress.

Leapsome’s pricing is based on the number of employees, contract length, and chosen modules.

Top 7 Leapsome Alternatives

Performance management and goal-setting are critical aspects of driving success and growth within organizations. Leapsome, an established player in the market, offers a comprehensive platform for OKR management and performance reviews. However, there are several other alternatives worth considering that can streamline and enhance these processes. In this article, we will explore the top 7 alternatives to Leapsome for OKRs and performance reviews in 2024.

Datalligence.AI: Best Software for OKRs, KPIs, & Performance

Datalligence is a dynamic project management and productivity platform crafted to enhance task management, collaboration, and goal tracking. Tailored for teams, it establishes a centralised workspace for efficient handling of tasks, projects, and processes within a unified environment. Datalligence’s versatility enables users to organize work seamlessly, fostering effective communication and real-time collaboration. This platform integrates features for goal setting and tracking, providing a comprehensive solution for diverse industries. With its user-friendly interface and robust functionality, Datalligence empowers teams to enhance productivity and achieve project success in a streamlined and collaborative manner.

Key Features of Datalligence

Task and Project Management

  • Create tasks and projects with customizable fields.
  • Set due dates, priorities, and assignees for efficient task tracking.
  • Organize tasks using lists, boards, Kanban, and calendars.
Performance Tracking

  • Track individual and team performance within the platform.
  • Monitor key metrics to assess productivity and project success.
360-Degree Feedback

  • Facilitate 360-degree feedback processes for team members.
  • Provide a holistic view of individual contributions and areas for improvement.
Goal and OKR Tracking

  • Set and track organizational goals and key results (OKRs).
  • Visualize progress with goal-tracking features.

Historical Data View for Annual Reviews

  • Utilize the Historical Data View feature to conduct annual reviews and performance assessments.
  • Access and analyze past project data for comprehensive performance evaluations.
Reporting and Analytics
  • Generate reports to analyze project progress.
  • Visualize data with charts and graphs.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Comment on tasks and documents for seamless communication.
  • Real-time collaboration with mentions and notifications.
  • Integration with communication tools like Slack and email.

Document Management

  • Create and store documents within the platform.
  • Collaborate on documents in real-time.


  • Customize spaces, folders, and views to match your workflow.
  • Create custom statuses, tags, and priorities.


  • Integrates with a wide range of third-party apps and tools.
  • API access for custom integrations.

Pros of Datalligence

  • Feature-rich platform with comprehensive project management tools.
  • Flexible and customizable to accommodate various team structures and workflows.
  • Robust integrations with popular third-party applications.
  • Regular updates and improvements based on user feedback.

Cons of Datalligence

  • The abundance of features may require time for users to explore and utilize fully.

Pricing of Datalligence

Datalligence provides flexible pricing options to suit various needs. They offer a free plan for basic use, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. For advanced features, task automation, and enhanced team collaboration, they offer a paid subscription starting at just $4 per user per month. Streamline Goal Setting and Tracking is a goal management tool designed to streamline goal-setting and tracking processes. It enables teams to align their objectives and key results, track progress, and drive better performance. Key features of’s OKR management include:

  • Goal Setting and Alignment: allows easy setup and alignment of objectives and key results across teams and departments.
  • Progress Tracking: Real-time tracking of key results provides quick insights and the ability to make timely adjustments.
  • Task Management: Create task boards and associate tasks with OKRs, enhancing collaboration and accountability.
  • Performance Management: Customizable performance review processes and frameworks help identify and nurture talent.
  • Employee Engagement: Set up pulse surveys and awards to measure employee engagement and foster a positive work environment. offers a free plan for teams new to OKRs, accommodating up to 5 users. Paid plans provide additional features such as OKR visibility, custom fields, weight assignment, and dashboards.

Culture Amp: Employee Management and Performance Reviews

Culture Amp focuses on employee engagement, performance management, and development. It offers an OKR management module alongside other employee management features. Key features of Culture Amp’s OKR management include:

  • Employee Feedback and Surveys: Conduct regular pulse surveys to gather feedback and gain insights into employee experience and satisfaction.
  • Employee Engagement Analytics: Measure engagement and retention rates, track changes over time, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Performance Management: Set OKRs, conduct one-on-one meetings, and run performance reviews and calibrations in one place.
  • Action Planning: Collaborate with teams to create action plans based on employee feedback and drive positive change.
  • Learning & Development: Provide personalized development plans, competency frameworks, and learning data to support talent growth.

Culture Amp offers various pricing modules, including performance management, employee development, and employee engagement, with customizable pricing options. Project Management with OKR Capabilities is a project management platform that can be used for OKR management. It offers a collaborative interface and customizable features, making it easy for teams to define and track their objectives and key results.

  • Goal Setting and Alignment: Create and align objectives and key results using an OKR board in Assign team members to different objectives and key results to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  • Progress Tracking: Keep track of key results in real time, promoting transparency and timely adjustments. Use sub-items to break down key results into tasks for accurate tracking and assignment.
  • Data Visualization: Gain insights into team performance through customizable dashboards and reports, using charts, bars, and scorecards to present data. supports various teamwork use cases, with pricing plans ranging from a free plan with limited features to paid plans with additional benefits such as unlimited seats and advanced reporting.

ClickUp: Collaboration and Project Management Tool with OKR Management

ClickUp is a collaboration and project management tool suitable for teams of various sizes. It offers OKR management capabilities alongside other project management features. Key features of ClickUp for OKR management include:

  • Dedicated Space for OKRs: Teams can centralize goal management, OKRs, and progress tracking in ClickUp, organizing them into different folders based on regions, departments, or quarters.
  • Task Breakout and Assignment: Create tasks for each goal or OKR, assign responsible team members, and set due dates to align OKRs and track progress.
  • Progress Tracking: Real-time tracking of key results with customizable progress bars and other visualizations.
  • Integration with Communication Tools: View, share, and discuss OKRs in communication tools like Slack and Teams, with automated reminders as needed.

ClickUp offers flexible pricing plans, including a free plan with limited storage and paid plans with advanced reporting, unlimited storage, and integrations.

Lark: All-in-One Productivity App with Built-in OKR Module

Lark is an all-in-one productivity app for work that offers a comprehensive OKR module. With Lark, teams can easily create, align, track, and analyze OKRs across departments and collaborate effectively to achieve their goals. The key features of Lark’s OKR management include:

  • OKR Creation, Alignment, and Tracking: Lark provides a user-friendly interface for creating detailed OKRs and establishing alignment through tagging and alignment setups. Team members can assign weights to key results, update progress, and add notes or comments.
  • OKR Ideation and Brainstorming: Lark Docs feature enables teams to centralize ideas and decisions around OKRs by adding notes, to-do lists, whiteboards, images, and videos.
  • Automation: Lark Messenger sends reminders for new alignments or tags in Lark OKR, ensuring the status remains up to date without the need for external integrations.
  • Transparency and Visibility: Colleagues’ OKRs are directly accessible from their profile pages on Lark, promoting collaboration and providing opportunities for feedback and suggestions.
  • Easy Review and Discussion: OKRs can be inserted as blocks in Lark Docs, facilitating informed discussions during progress check-ins, weekly meetings, or project plans.

Quantive Results: Simplify OKR Tracking and Achievement

Quantive  Results is an OKR management tool designed to simplify tracking and achievement of objectives and key results. It empowers teams to set up and align OKRs, track progress, and gain insights for better performance. Key features of Quantive Results include:

  • OKR Brainstorming: Collaborative whiteboard for team brainstorming with AI assistance for key results and task suggestions.
  • OKR Alignment and Cascading: Easy setup and alignment of objectives and key results across teams and departments.
  • Integration with Communication Tools: View, share, or discuss OKRs in communication tools like Slack and Teams, with automated reminders.
  • Progress Tracking and Insights: Real-time tracking of key results with dashboards for informed decision-making.

Quantive Results offers a user-friendly interface and customizable features to adapt to different team sizes and requirements.


While Leapsome has been a popular choice for OKR management and performance reviews, there are several alternatives available that can streamline goal management and performance evaluation processes in 2024. Whether you choose Lark, Datalligence,, Culture Amp,, ClickUp, or Quantive Results, each alternative offers unique features and functionalities to help your organization achieve its goals and foster employee growth. Explore these Leapsome alternatives and find the one that best suits your needs and aligns with your company’s vision for success.

At Datalligence.AI, we understand the importance of efficient goal management and performance evaluation. Our AI-powered platform offers advanced features for OKR management, performance reviews, and employee development. Learn more about our solutions and how we can help your organization succeed at

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