Objectives and Key Results

Top 12 Profit.co Alternatives, Price & Reviews

Are you searching for the ideal performance management software to align your team’s goals and improve overall performance? Look no further than Profit.co, a cloud-based solution that utilizes the OKR methodology to help businesses set, track, and achieve their objectives. But while Profit.co offers a comprehensive range of features, it may not be the perfect fit for everyone.

That’s why we’ve curated a list of the top 12 Profit.co alternatives, each with its own unique set of features and advantages. In this article, we’ll explore these alternatives in detail, including their pros, cons, key features, pricing, and reviews, so you can make an informed decision and find the right solution for your business needs.

Why Consider Profit.co Alternatives?

While Profit.co offers a comprehensive range of tools and functionalities for strategy execution and performance management, it’s essential to consider alternatives to ensure you choose the best fit for your organization. Here are a few reasons to explore other options:

  • Specific Requirements: Every business has unique needs and requirements. By exploring alternatives, you may find a solution that aligns better with your specific industry, team structure, or organizational goals.
  • User Experience: Different software platforms have varying user interfaces and user experiences. Exploring alternatives allows you to find a solution that is intuitive and easy to use for your team members, minimizing the learning curve and maximizing productivity.
  • Pricing: Cost is an important factor in any purchasing decision. By exploring alternative options, you can compare pricing plans and find a solution that offers the best value for your budget.
  • Feature Set: While Profit.co offers a robust feature set, other alternatives may offer additional functionalities that better suit your organization’s needs. Exploring alternatives helps you identify the most important features of your team’s success.

Let’s dive into the top Profit. co alternatives and explore their key features, pricing, and user reviews.

Top 12 Profit.co Alternatives


Datalligence is a dynamic project management and productivity platform crafted to enhance task management, collaboration, and goal tracking. Tailored for teams, it establishes a centralized workspace for efficient handling of tasks, projects, and processes within a unified environment. Datalligence’s versatility enables users to organize work seamlessly, fostering effective communication and real-time collaboration. This platform integrates features for goal setting and tracking, providing a comprehensive solution for diverse industries. With its user-friendly interface and robust functionality, Datalligence empowers teams to enhance productivity and achieve project success in a streamlined and collaborative manner.

Key Features of Datalligence

Task and Project Management

  • Create tasks and projects with customizable fields.
  • Set due dates, priorities, and assignees for efficient task tracking.
  • Organize tasks using lists, boards, Kanban , and calendars.

Performance Tracking

  • Track individual and team performance within the platform.
  • Monitor key metrics to assess productivity and project success.

360-Degree Feedback

  • Facilitate 360-degree feedback processes for team members.
  • Provide a holistic view of individual contributions and areas for improvement.

Goal and OKR Tracking

  • Set and track organizational goals and key results (OKRs).
  • Visualize progress with goal-tracking features.

Historical Data View for Annual Reviews

  • Utilize the Historical Data View feature to conduct annual reviews and performance assessments.
  • Access and analyze past project data for comprehensive performance evaluations.

Reporting and Analytics

  • Generate reports to analyze project progress.
  • Visualize data with charts and graphs.

Collaboration and Communication

  • Comment on tasks and documents for seamless communication.
  • Real-time collaboration with mentions and notifications.
  • Integration with communication tools like Slack and email.

Document Management

  • Create and store documents within the platform.
  • Collaborate on documents in real-time.


  • Customize spaces, folders, and views to match your workflow.
  • Create custom statuses, tags, and priorities.


  • Integrates with a wide range of third-party apps and tools.
  • API access for custom integrations.

Pros of Datalligence

  • Feature-rich platform with comprehensive project management tools.
  • Flexible and customizable to accommodate various team structures and workflows.
  • Robust integrations with popular third-party applications.
  • Regular updates and improvements based on user feedback.

Cons of Datalligence

  • The abundance of features may require time for users to explore and utilize fully.

Pricing of Datalligence

Datalligence provides flexible pricing options to suit various needs. They offer a free plan for basic use, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. For advanced features, task automation, and enhanced team collaboration, they offer a paid subscription starting at just $4 per user per month.


Wrike is a powerful project management platform that offers a comprehensive range of features to help you streamline your team’s tasks, track progress, and communicate effectively. With Wrike, you can easily assign tasks, collaborate with team members, and analyze project analytics and reports. 

It also provides mobile apps for on-the-go access, making it convenient for remote team members. Wrike’s user-friendly interface and robust reporting capabilities make it a top choice for many businesses. Users praise its analytics and reporting features, which provide valuable insights into project progress and team performance.

Pros of Wrike

  • Comprehensive range of project management tools and features
  • User-friendly interface and intuitive user experience
  • Customization options to cater to specific industries
  • Mobile apps for convenient access

Cons of Wrike

  • Complex for novice users to familiarize themselves with
  • Managing an overview of the platform can be challenging due to the multitude of features

Wrike Pricing

The Basic plan starts from $9.80 per user/month and for more information Contact Wrike sales team.


Keka is a performance management software that excels in attendance management and performance tracking. It provides a range of features to help businesses effectively manage their workforce and improve employee productivity. With Keka, you can easily track attendance, set goals, and conduct performance reviews. 

The software offers transparency in performance-linked incentives and appraisals, which employees appreciate. Keka integrates with popular work tools like SQL, Jira, Hubspot, and Asana, making it easier to align goals and track progress. It is trusted by over 500 leading companies, including Razorpay, Disney, and Postman.

Pros of Keka

  • Effective attendance management and performance tracking features
  • Transparent performance-linked incentives and appraisals
  • Integration with popular work tools for seamless goal alignment
  • Trusted by leading companies in various industries

Cons of Keka

  • Limited language support
  • Challenging for struggling businesses to see an accurate and clear presentation of business growth

Keka Pricing

Keka offers pricing plans based on the number of employees. Contact their sales team for more information.


15Five is a performance management software that helps businesses improve employee engagement, productivity, and performance. It offers features for weekly check-ins, goal setting and tracking, performance reviews, and employee recognition.

 15Five aims to facilitate regular communication and feedback between managers and employees. With 15Five, businesses can enhance team performance and create a culture of continuous improvement.

Pros of 15Five

  • Features for regular check-ins, goal setting, and performance reviews
  • Enhances communication and feedback between managers and employees
  • Improves employee engagement and productivity
  • Creates a culture of continuous improvement

Cons of 15Five

  • May lack certain advanced features required by larger organizations
  • Support team response times may be slower

15Five Pricing

15Five pricing plan starts from $10 per user/month and for more information contact their sales team.


GreytHR is a suite of cloud HR solutions designed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It offers a range of tools for people management, HR processes, and payroll management. 

The software provides productivity features and aims to simplify HR operations for businesses. Managers and employees can access the Employee Portal, which offers convenient access to HR-related information.

Pros of greytHR

  • Suite of cloud HR solutions for SMEs
  • Productivity tools for people management
  • Simplified HR processes and payroll management
  • Employee Portal for easy access to HR information

Cons of greytHR

  • Limited to small and medium-sized enterprises
  • May not offer advanced features required by larger organizations

GreytHR Pricing

GreytHR pricing starts for 50 Employees which cost about ₹3495/month and more information Contact GreytHR sales team.


Perdoo is a performance management system that helps businesses create high-performing teams. It offers features for aligning company strategy, focusing teams on OKRs and KPIs, and engaging employees. Perdoo aims to empower teams to achieve their highest potential and provides guidance for strategy execution. With Perdoo, businesses can align everyone with company objectives, track progress, and drive better results.

Pros of Perdoo

  • Features for aligning company strategy and focusing teams on OKRs and KPIs
  • Engaging employee experience and performance management
  • Guidance for strategy execution and achieving better outcomes
  • Empowers teams to reach their highest potential

Cons of Perdoo

  • May lack certain advanced features required by larger organizations
  • Limited customization options for specific industry requirements

Perdoo Pricing

Perdoo offers pricing starts from €9 per user/month and for more information contact their Sales team.


PeopleBox is a comprehensive performance management platform designed to empower organizations in optimizing employee performance and development. 

Pros of People Box

  • People Box offers a wide array of tools and features for performance management, including goal setting, feedback, and employee development.
  • Users appreciate People Box’s intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both employees and managers.
  • People Box provides customization options to tailor the platform to specific industry needs, ensuring flexibility for diverse business environments.

 Cons of People Box

  • Small businesses with limited budgets might find PeopleBox ‘s pricing relatively higher compared to other alternatives, potentially making it less cost-effective for certain organizations.
  • Despite offering customization options, users may face constraints in tailoring certain features to highly specific or unique organizational requirements.

Pricing of PeopleBox

PeopleBox basic plan starts from $7/month/person and for more information contact the PeopleBox Sales Team.


Zimyo is an employee experience platform that helps businesses manage HR processes and improve employee engagement.

 It provides features for onboarding, attendance tracking, performance management, and more. Zimyo offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive navigation, making it easy for both tech-savvy and non-tech-savvy team members. With Zimyo, businesses can streamline HR processes, enhance employee engagement, and improve overall productivity.

Pros of Zimyo

  • User-friendly and intuitive interface
  • Features for onboarding, attendance tracking, and performance management
  • Seamless navigation for easy access to HR information
  • Useful resources and guidance for managers

Cons of Zimyo

  • May lack certain advanced features required by larger organizations
  • Limited customization options for specific industry requirements

Zimyo Pricing

Zimyo pricing plan starts from ₹60 per user/month and for more information, Contact Zimyo Sales Team

Unlock: U

Unlock: U is an OKR software designed to improve OKR adoption and execution. It focuses on simplicity and offers intuitive features for goal alignment, tracking, and progress monitoring. It aims to provide a handful of features that are intuitive, integrated, and intelligent. With Unlock: U, businesses can effectively align, measure, and track goals and strategic execution at scale.

Pros of Unlock: U

  • Simplicity and ease of use for OKR adoption
  • Intuitive features for goal alignment and progress tracking
  • Integrated and intelligent approach to OKR management
  • Streamlined goal tracking and execution

Cons of Unlock: U

  • May lack advanced features required by larger organizations
  • Limited customization options for specific industry requirements

Unlock: U Pricing

Contact their Sales Team for more information

Sage HR

Sage HR is a comprehensive HR software that offers a range of features for managing employee data, payroll, and performance.

 It provides tools for attendance tracking, employee onboarding, and performance monitoring. Sage HR aims to simplify HR operations and improve overall efficiency. Users appreciate its security features and robust payroll module. Sage HR offers a seamless user experience and is trusted by businesses worldwide.

Pros of Sage HR

  • Comprehensive HR features, including attendance tracking and performance monitoring
  • Robust payroll module for efficient payroll processing
  • Seamless user experience
  • Trusted by businesses worldwide

Cons of Sage HR

  • Mobile application may lack certain features optimized for mobile use
  • Missing option to mark goals as completed, leading to continuous reminders

Sage HR Pricing

Sage HR pricing plan starts from £4 per employee/month and for more information Contact their sales team.


Qandle is an all-in-one HR software that offers a wide range of features for managing employee data, performance, and engagement. 

It provides tools for performance management, attendance tracking, payroll management, and more. Qandle aims to simplify HR processes and enhance employee experience. With Qandle, businesses can set and monitor individual, team, and company goals, conduct regular performance check-ins, and streamline payroll processes.

Pros of Qandle

  • Automatic tracking of OKRs, follow-ups, and reminders
  • Capability to establish and monitor individual, team, and company KPIs
  • One-on-one meeting feature for regular communication with team members
  • Resources and guidance for enhancing management skills and team culture

Cons of Qandle

  • Limited language support
  • Accurate and clear presentation of business growth can be overwhelming for struggling businesses

Qandle Pricing

Qandle offers pricing plans based on the number of employees. Contact their sales team for more information.


HRMantra is a comprehensive HR software that provides a range of features for managing employee data and processes. It excels in attendance tracking but may have limitations in other areas. 

The software is easy to use and offers a user-friendly interface. HRMantra’s strengths lie in its attendance management capabilities and ease of use, making it a popular choice for many businesses.

Pros of HRMantra

  • Effective attendance tracking features
  • User-friendly interface
  • Easy data management and employee processes

Cons of HRMantra

  • May not meet all requirements for advanced employee data management
  • Limited in certain areas beyond attendance tracking

HRMantra Pricing

Contact HRMantra sales team for more information.


In conclusion, finding the right performance management software is crucial for aligning your company’s goals and driving overall productivity. While Profit.co is a popular choice, it’s essential to explore alternatives to ensure the perfect fit for your business.

Wrike offers a comprehensive project management platform with robust analytics and reporting capabilities. Keka specializes in attendance management and transparent performance appraisals. HRMantra excels in attendance tracking but may have limitations in accessing other employee details. greytHR provides a streamlined HR solution for small and medium enterprises. Qandle focuses on creating an engaging employee experience through effective onboarding and performance management.

Consider the features, pros, and cons of each alternative to make an informed decision. Remember, the right performance management tool can revolutionize your business and drive success.

At Datalligence.Ai, we specialize in providing innovative AI-powered solutions for businesses across various industries. Contact us today to discover how our expertise can help you achieve your goals and elevate your performance management processes.

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