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Challenges the CHROs are facing. Is OKR the solution?

Employee engagement software-Datalligence
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An organization may have different roles that play a vital role in the life of the organization. However, HR is the only department within an organization that plays a significant role in the lives of its employees. 

Chief Human Resources Officer plays a key role and serves as the link between employees and the organization. HR and CHRO are busy managing employee benefits, training each new hire, and managing the employee lifecycle. But after the pandemic period, new fears have been unleashed in HR departments. Nothing had prepared them for the challenges of job loss, mental illness, remote employment, and new strategies for managing remote work to maximize efficiency.  

What are the Challenges faced by the CHROs in 2022 and Is OKR the solution?

1. Remote work is the new mode of work:

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The workplace has evolved with Employees preferring to Work from home rather than come to the office and work. During the years of the global pandemic of 2020 and 2021, employees have been accustomed to working at home. Some organizations accept this new mode of work. They feel by giving employees what they want, their productivity is increased compared to working from the office. Whether it’s partially or entirely remote, remote employment is here to stay. CHROs have to be on their toe and implement and update new policies to keep remote employees connected and engaged. 

  • How does OKR help CHROs connect and manage remote work? 

OKRs is a well-proven framework that brings clarity and focuses to the organizational goal. Using the superpowers of OKRs, CHROs manage the complexity of remote work among their employees. With the help of OKRs employees can set objectives independently without the help of any top authority and they will be solely responsible for that objective.  

OKR requires collaboration and teamwork. It strengthens teamwork and streamlines HR teams’ tasks. 

Implementing OKR independently acts as a self-motivation upon employees to achieve the objective of recognition and also invokes conversations 

OKRs to align the workforce with remote work regulations, effectively implementing them and rapidly bringing everyone into sync. Since OKR is all about transparency, the employees could easily align the objective by communicating and working together to achieve the objective. 

2. Alleviate employee distress during this period of uncertainty:

The economy has been turned upside down by the pandemic for all and it has caused uncertainty and distress for all the employees who are working. Everyone is scared of layoffs, mental stress, inability to interact with others socially, etc. 

To avoid this feeling of uneasiness among the employees, the HR leaders must take active steps to ensure that all the employees are in the right mind of state by communicating with them individually or in a team wise. In times of need, the company and HR leaders must be very transparent about company policies. 

  • To adapt, To Change using OKR:

To stay connected and rekindle the synergy that teams used to have at work, CHROs should ensure the resiliency of OKRs, which helps them grow. 

  • Since OKRs are transparent in nature, we can get support from the team to achieve the goals. 
  • Resiliency goals are continually reviewed and supported by the team and leaders in the same way as work-related goals. 
  • This translates into physical and mental health, trust, better working relationships, and understanding and cooperation among team membe3.

3. Retraining and building critical skills of employees  

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As the working environment changes, the work styles required of employees naturally change as well. Both employees and HR need to learn new skills. HR leaders need to improve their training and development skills and must address weaknesses such as missing HR processes in their organizations. 

  • Set up learning goals suitable for better adaptability using OKR

An HR leader’s ultimate objective during this pandemic is up-skilling and retraining an employee’s skills. OKR helps to understand where the workforce lacks and how it can be rectified. 

  • With the help of OKR, the HR team can identify any skill gap from weekly reviews or performance reviews during the quarter and it can help overcome the challenge of remote work setup. 
  • To prevent your firm from losing its competitive edge, the HR leaders establish OKR goals for training and skill development. These goals encourage teams and people to work hard, learn, and acquire critical skills. 
  • With OKRs, they can create goals and objectives to help the employees for developing skills that will be helpful for the individual and also the organization.

4. Keeping employee engagement and productivity levels high 

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Another new challenge that arises for HR leaders is keeping the employee engaged for a long time whether it be remote work or office work. Work tiredness is certain to develop if employees spend a lot of time at their desks without natural pauses and casual “water-cooler discussions.” 

CHROs need to be on top of the problem and anticipate things that are happening and what might happen. They should take into consideration which of the employee might need more attention from the manager or team whether it be for a goal or objective wise or an interactive session. This makes the employee feels heard and reduces stress. 

  • Engaged and Interlinked by goal alignment using OKR 

One of the responsibilities of the CHRO is fostering employee engagement, which is essential for staff retention and job satisfaction. Although it can be difficult in a remote or hybrid work environment, they can maintain employee engagement using OKRs. 

  • OKR aligns employees with their objective and by aligning employees, it makes them work together to attain the objective together with overall increased engagement among them. 
  • To define goals in line with team OKRs, collaborate, analyze team outcomes, and collectively celebrate little victories, employees often connect with peers and management. As a result, a productive virtual workplace is created with engaged and aligned workers. 
  • Since objectives are aligned with employees, the outcomes are linked with that leading to collective achievement. 


Post the pandemic crisis, everyone has become a little edgy with stress or worried about the layoff, etc. but among this, The HR team faces a lot of challenges to retain talent and up-skill employees, keep employees engaged, and many more. They face many difficulties to make sure that their company runs smoothly and performs to the fullest. The best way to deal with these problems is to make a plan to combat them. Many of the challenges of today can be easily overcome by CHROs with the right plans and tools, like OKRs. OKRs help employees by keeping them engaged by aligning goals or pushing them to develop themselves by measuring among their employees. Talk to our OKR coaches today to implement OKRs in your organization.

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