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10 Best Design Team OKR Examples for Increased Performance and Collaboration

10 Best Design Team OKR Examples for Increased Performance and Collaboration
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From a strategic perspective, companies’ design teams play an important role in shaping the user experience and visual identity of a brand. Nevertheless, quantifying the effects and efficacy of design can be difficult; this calls for the application of objectives and key results (OKRs). In essence, OKRs are a goal-setting framework that allows design teams to align their actions, measure progress made, and drive meaningful outcomes. To that end, this article looks at 10 best design team OKR examples that can enhance focus, collaboration, and productivity.

1. Objective: Improve UX/UI of our main landing page to drive action

  • Increase conversion on the first 2 CTA’s from 10% to 15%
  • Increase the percentage of people viewing at least 2 other pages after the landing page from 2% to 5%
  • Increase the percentage of people who open more than one image in the product image gallery from 10% to 25%

Designing a compelling user experience is essential for driving user action. By setting objectives to improve the UX/UI of the main landing page, design teams can focus on increasing conversion rates, engagement, and interactivity, aligning with crucial UX OKRs

2. Objective: Launch a new, clearer landing page to drive action

  • Test existing landing page with at least 100 external users
  • Analyze previously reported feedback and address the 10 biggest design issues
  • User-test page prototypes with 12 people to identify usability issues
  • Achieve an 80% positive feedback score from testing sessions

For design teams, creating an entirely new landing page is a big move. By setting objectives for launching a new landing page, one can concentrate on user testing and addressing the design issues that arise, followed by ensuring a good user experience.


3. Objective: Promote our design team as the coolest place to work

  • Apply for external design competitions until we win at least two.
  • Achieve 5000 downloads with 2 open-source design and UI/UX freebies
  • Conduct monthly designer meetups with an average attendance of 40 people

Building a positive reputation for the design system can attract top talent and enhance team morale. By setting objectives to promote the design team as the coolest place to work, teams can focus on winning design competitions, creating valuable resources, and fostering a strong design community.

4. Objective: Become a strong, design-driven company

  • All 7 teams participate in the new guidelines presentation meeting
  • Update all 24 software page layouts based on new design guidelines
  • Ensure all 7 teams have their public and shareable materials aligned with the design guidelines
  • employee survey confirms that 90% of employees feel that the company sticks to the design guidelines more than before

Becoming a design-driven company requires alignment and collaboration across different teams. By setting objectives to become a strong design-driven company, teams can focus on implementing design guidelines, updating materials, and fostering a design-centric culture.

5. Objective: Improve the workflow between design and development to save time

  • Reduce the number of design task tickets reopened by development from 40 to 10
  • Reduce the average time to resolve “small improvements” from 10 days to 3 days
  • Increase the percentage of submitted design requests going into execution from 50% to 80%

Efficient collaboration between design and development teams is crucial for timely project delivery. By setting objectives to improve the workflow between design and development, teams can focus on reducing inefficiencies, resolving issues promptly, and increasing the execution rate of design requests.

6. Objective: Promote our new brand image through design deliverables

  • Design new graphs/templates for at least 50% of top-performing posts
  • Increase the downloads of templates and infographics from an average of 200 to 800 per month
  • Start a design Pinterest account and achieve an average monthly visit of 1200

Brand image plays a significant role in attracting and retaining customers. By setting objectives to promote the new brand image through design deliverables, teams can focus on creating visually appealing content, increasing engagement, and expanding the brand’s online presence.


7. Objective: Create a new product design prototype that suits customer expectations

  • Collect feedback from 50 customers about the current design
  • Design at least 3 different examples based on customer feedback
  • Test all 3 designs with at least 30 people to determine the most suitable one

Understanding customer needs and preferences is essential for creating successful product designs. By setting objectives to create a new product design prototype, teams can focus on gathering feedback, iterating designs based on customer input, and ensuring the final design meets customer expectations.

8. Objective: Improve the variety of fast design options with reusable templates

  • Create a library with at least 100 frequently used design elements
  • Improve the design brief to reduce the number of iterations (ensure designs are approved with fewer than 3 iterations)
  • Organize all used designs with tags into 12 main categories

Efficiency and consistency are critical in design workflows. By setting objectives to improve the variety of fast design options with reusable templates, teams can focus on creating a comprehensive design library, streamlining the design review process, and organizing design assets for easy accessibility.

9. Objective: Support marketing with designed content that captures attention

  • Add infographics to blog posts and achieve an average of 100 downloads per post
  • Update current ad designs to increase ad clicks from 11k to 20k
  • Redesign the e-book page to increase the conversion rate of page views to downloads from 40% to 60%

Design plays a vital role in capturing the attention of the target audience. By setting objectives to support marketing with designed content, teams can focus on creating engaging visuals, optimizing ad designs, and improving conversion rates.

10. Objective: Improve the design of our customer support knowledge base

  • Conduct a usability test with 10 customers to identify pain points and areas for improvement
  • Redesign the knowledge base layout to prioritize frequently accessed articles
  • Increase the customer satisfaction rating for the knowledge base from 3.5 to 4.5 out of 5

Providing an intuitive and user-friendly knowledge base is essential for effective customer support. By setting objectives to improve the design of the customer support knowledge base, teams can focus on gathering user feedback, optimizing the layout, and enhancing the overall user experience.

Tracking and Achieving Your Design OKRs

Tracking and achieving your design OKRs requires continuous monitoring and collaboration. Here are some best practices to ensure success:

  • Regular Check-Ins: Hold weekly check-ins to review progress and discuss any challenges or adjustments needed.
  • Transparency and Communication: Keep your team informed about your OKRs and progress. Foster a culture of transparency and open communication.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Utilize data and analytics to measure progress and make informed decisions. Regularly analyze key metrics related to your OKRs.
  • Iterate and Learn: Embrace a growth mindset and be open to learning from both successes and failures. Use the insights gained to iterate and improve your approach.


Conclusion: Drive Success with Design OKRs

Implementing OKRs can significantly enhance the performance and effectiveness of design teams. By setting clear and measurable objectives, design teams can align their efforts, drive meaningful outcomes, and contribute to the success of the organization. Use these 10 best design team OKR examples as inspiration to boost your team’s performance and achieve design excellence.

If you’re looking for AI-powered OKR software to streamline your goal-setting process and track progress effortlessly, consider trying out Our platform offers a user-friendly interface, extensive reporting capabilities, and seamless collaboration features to empower your design team and drive results. Start your free trial today and unlock the full potential of your design team with OKRs.

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