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How does Datalligence help in increasing employee performance?

Employee engagement software-Datalligence
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Employee performance is one of the most dynamic and ever-changing processes. There is no one size fits in this. Every organization defines the performance review programs that suit their cultural values and their people. The outcome of the program is to increase the performance of an employee and employee engagement. Having said that most companies struggle in creating the right performance management program that works well for them 

We at Datalligence performance management software specialize in creating a performance management system that adopts the organization’s culture and beliefs. Our focus is on increasing employee performance while at the same time creating engagement. 

 There has been a tremendous shift in the workforce that calls for a process that suits a different type of workforce. Also, the Pandemic has made it more challenging and there is a need to have a system that connects the team that is remote, office, and Hybrid. 

 How does OKR (Objectives & Key Results) contribute to employee performance? 

OKR is a goal-setting platform that helps organizations execute and measure their Strategy. A well-proven framework that has been used by organizations like Intel, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and so on. OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) are agile, and they work well in a shorter cadence. Since they work in a shorter cadence it is possible to understand the gap in execution and correct it as and when required 


OKR is an autonomous framework, hence it is powerful in creating ownership. Once the team understands the organizational objective the teams and individuals create the objectives that help them achieve the organizational objectives. Since there is visibility to every single member of an organization toward the goal it easily increases accountability. Datalligence OKR software help organizations create and align objectives to the larger goals. 


While being an autonomous framework it increases the accountability of an individual. Since every team or individual creates their objectives, they also own and be accountable for what they own. We have seen a sense of accomplishment while we create our objectives and try to achieve that. Datalligence OKR software brings insights that help individuals to understand and focus on what is the priority and where they are traveling towards. It also allows them to course-correct them whenever possible. 


Focus on priority

In everyday work life, one tends to get lost in the day-to-day task of firefighting. We tend to miss something that matters to business or the team. If they focus on what is a priority and work towards that it would help them in achieving their company objective. People tend to think that they work on task day in and day out. yes, every single task performed gets connected to the OKRs giving a greater understanding of what is of propriety.  

Transparency creates trust 

Transparency of the framework creates a sense of trust and safety for the entire team. OKRs are published transparently and owned by the Executives. Teams can understand how each OKR is performing and progressing. Individuals tend to support each other to achieve that common goal which increases team cohesiveness and increases employee morale. Data legends okay are software that creates transparency and enables an organization to publish its company objectives be it quarterly or annually 

Magic moon-shot goals 

OKRs allow employees to create an aspirational objective without any fear of failure. Individuals create objectives that help in research and innovations since this is directly not linked to the performance, they feel comfortable and safe in declaring an ambitious objective that helps organizations move to the next level. 

Datalligence OKR software helps you to create objectives that are both roof shots and moon shots. This helps you to understand the innovation and research that is happening underway at the same time the roof short goals are also met. 

Employee Performance and OKRs

Ideally, OKRs are not used as performance measurement tools, they help in measuring the organizational strategy. But while the strategy execution happens the outcome of that is the performance conversations. 

Since the team and the individuals keep constantly interacting and delivering the core priorities it increases the team collaboration and their performance. 

The OKR retrospective meetings and the check-in meeting helps in creating a great conversation around OKRs. While the OKRs are set and communicated to the teams, that is half the job done. The clarity in which direction one ought to travel helps in being aligned and focused and the outcomes in increasing one performance. 

The performance of an employee is linked to the OKRs closely as they increase employee engagement. Increased engagement contributes to higher productivity. Hence OKRs and employee performance are intricately linked, and they complement each other. 

Datalligence OKR-based performance management provides the clarity an employee requires to understand the priorities at a given time. OKRs are time bound and have clearly defined metrics that help one to plan and achieve the objectives.


We at Datalligence are passionate about business and people performance. OKRs and performance are intricately linked, we provide insights that are actionable and provide clarity in decision-making. 

Simple and intuitive tool that increases the adoption through its integration with conversation feedback and recognition (CFR). We thrive in providing “Decision Intelligence” that enables quicker decision-making. The platform is user-friendly that is aligned with all the generational workforce today. Talk to our performance coaches today to understand more about Datalligence OKR-based performance software. 

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