Catch-up | Deep Dive – Filters

Step 1: Login to the platform with the given credentials.

Step 2: Click on the “Tasks” module to open the submenu. Within the submenu, click on either “Catch-up”.

Step 3: Click the Filter button to display the popup.
All tasks created by me:
This will display tasks that you have created when the toggle is turned on.
All tasks reviewed by me:
If you are assigned as a reviewer for any task, those tasks will be displayed to you when the toggle is turned on.
Owned by all active users:
This option is available only to admins. When turned on, it allows viewing of tasks owned by all active users.
Owned by My Team (Direct & Matrix):
This option is available to managers. It will display tasks owned by your direct reports, as well as any tasks that you are assigned as a matrix manager.

Task Owner:
This will display a list of users based on their profile. If you are a manager, you can choose any of your direct reports from the list to view their tasks. If you are an admin, you can view all employees’ tasks.
Created By:
Select the user who created the task to filter tasks accordingly.
Filter tasks based on their current status.
Task type:
All task types will be displayed in the list. Select the appropriate type to view specific tasks.
Filter tasks based on their priority flag (Red, Blue, Green).
There are three alignment types:
Sub-Key Result: Tasks created as sub-key results for a key result.
Initiatives: Tasks created as initiatives for the respective key result.
None: Independent tasks without any alignment.
Customer | Module | feature:
Filter tasks based on customer, module, and feature.
Task Description Search:
You can search for tasks using the description.
To reset the filters, click Reset. Finally, click View to find the filtered tasks.

Step 4: The Deep Dive page also includes the same filters, with one additional filter: Duration.
You can filter tasks based on the following options:
Today: View tasks for the current day.
Last 15 days: View tasks from the past 15 days.
Last month: View tasks from the previous month.
This month: View tasks for the current month.
Next month: View tasks for the upcoming month.
This year: View tasks for the current year.
Custom: Select a custom date range using the date picker to choose a start and end date, and find tasks within that range.

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