lets see via video

Create Objective

Welcome to Datalligence.AI! While the platform offers plenty of features and options, this guide breaks down the basic things you need to set up to help you get started as quickly as possible. You’ll create OKRs, import people, and set up a Team!

Step 1: To access the Main menu, look for the vertical list of options on the left side of the page.
Step 2: Click on “OKR” to open a submenu with a list of options.
Step 3: To open your OKR page, simply click on the menu option “My View”.
Step 4: Create a new Objective by clicking the “+” icon on the page header.

creative objective

 🚀 Pro Tip : you can try creating OKRs or reach out to our support team to understand creating OKRs with examples

Create New Objective with the objective drawer

creative objective discripation
  1. Enter Objective Description means writing them down in simple description and the maximum number of characters allowed is 150
  2. Year and Cadence: Choose a Year to categorize as a performance year and select a cadence to establish focus for specific quarters or other designated timeframes.
  3. Assign to: Assign to the Owner who will be accountable for this objective
  4. Select if the Objective is Aspirational or Operational to categorize the Objective
  5. Select the objective type: You can create Individual, team, or Company objective
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