Checkin KR

Step 1: Login to the platform with the given credentials.

Step 2: Click on “OKR” module to open a submenu.

Step 3: In the submodule, select ‘My Review’ and then click on the ‘Objective’ key result to expand its details. Finally, click on the key result.

Step 4: Click on the “quick check-in” icon to update the progress for the key result.

Step 5: Enter the value you have achieved in the ‘Actual’ field for the key result.

Step 6: In the modal, toggle the ‘Final Check-in’ and click the ‘Save’ button to save the quick check-in.

Step 7: Click on the ‘KR drawer’ to check-in the progress of the key result.

Step 8: Click on the “Check-in” button to proceed with the check-in for the key result.

Step 9: The actual values for the key result in the text field. If the values do not match the expected results, the check-in status will be marked as behind.

Step 10: The actual values for the key result in the text field. If the values match the expected results, the check-in status will be marked as on track

Step 11: The actual values for the key result in the text field. If the values exceed the expected values, the check-in status will be marked as ‘Ahead’.

Step 12: Click on the ‘Final Check-in‘ switch to set it to ‘Yes.’ After enabling Final Check-in, further updates to the Key Result will not be possible. Then, click the ‘Save’ button to save the Key Result check-in as a draft.

Please reach out to us at for any further inquiries.

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