Performance Review by Manager

Step 1: Login to the platform with the given credentials.

Step 2: Click on “Review” module to open a submenu.

Step 3: To provide Final ratings for team members, navigate to the “Team Review” section within the submodule, and click on the “Thumb” icon.

Step 4: By clicking on “OKR Progress“, managers can view the OKRs overall progress of employees.

Step 5:  By clicking on “Assessment Summary“, managers can view the assessment response.

Step 6: By clicking on “Performance Reflection“, managers can view the overall progress of employee.

Step 7: Within the performance review model, click on “My Rating to rate the employee.

Step 8: The manager has the option to rate through the rating scale dropdown and provide comments.

Step 9: To initiate promotion and training for an employee, simply toggle the button to “on” and proceed to provide the necessary promotion and training opportunities.

Step 10: Finally, click “Save” to store the manager’s rating.

Step 11: Once you have completed rating the employee, the color of the thumb icon will change to “Orange“, making it easy to identify which ratings have been completed.

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